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I-CAPP Delegate Program

The IAFCCP Delegate Program was established in 2002 with a vision from IAFCCP past-president, Ron Walter, who believed the IAFCCP needed a better method of communicating information throughout its membership. The program has continued to grow within the U.S. and has evolved to include representation with the grassroots efforts of the Government and Legislative Affairs Committee (GLAC).

The mission of the IAFCCP Delegate Program is to facilitate communication of industry needs and current events between the Association and its membership through a network of representatives in every state and international region.

The vision of the IAFCCP Delegate program is to build a network of Delegates around the world to facilitate communication between the Association and its members within their respective geographic regions. We believe that advocacy at the grassroots level is key to the advancement of paramedicine and all its subspecialties including critical care, air and ground, community, and tactical paramedicine.


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Miembros actuales de IAFCCP, estamos buscando su ayuda. Estamos ampliando nuestros delegados para extender a toda América Latina. Los delegados voluntarios actuarán como representantes de la Asociación Internacional de Paramédicos de Cuidados Críticos y de Vuelo (IAFCCP), comunicando su misión, visión y valores también servirán como conducto para canalizar ideas e información de América Latina a la Junta Directiva de IAFCCP. Se necesitan dos voluntarios en este momento: un delegado para servir a América del Sur y un delegado para servir a México y América Central. Si está interesado en postularse para este puesto, envíe un correo electrónico a Josh Steele