Critical Care Transport Core Curriculum
2nd Edition
In collaboration with our partner, the Air and Surface Transport Nurses Association (ASTNA), a new edition of the Critical Care Transport Core Curriculum is coming soon. Updated with the most current practice guidelines and information
in the industry! As always, the Core Curriculum serves as a robust and thorough outline of the essential skills and knowledge necessary for the critical care transport professional. Informed by updated CAMTS requirements, as well as
the most beneficial areas of study in preparation for certification exams, the Core Curriculum can be a valuable resource for CFRN, CTRN, CCC-P and FP-C exam preparation and study, as well as an easy-to-search desktop reference
for critical care and transport professionals. With more than 20 chapters covering topics ranging from the history of transport to safety to program operations to care for the pediatric, neonatal, and obstetric patient to infectious
disease and mass casualty disasters, the Critical Care Transport Core Curriculum, 2nd Edition, published by ASTNA, is a must-have!
NEW for This Edition
- You asked, we delivered: more on special patient populations and special considerations related totrauma and other medical emergencies.
- The most up-to-date information from current literature and practice related to infectious disease and respiratory emergencies.
- A trauma “facelift”: a freshly-revised, singular comprehensive chapter on trauma care that is reorganized and refreshed to mirror the head-to-toe nature of assessments and interventions commonly seen on the scene.
- Consolidation of content about program operations for both air and surface transport into one easily searchable and rigorously-researched chapter.In-depth and expanded content on airway management and mechanical ventilation.
- Application of updated guidelines and best practices under the lens of a post-2020 healthcare world.
All this in addition to the valuable perspective and
evidence-based perspective you’ve come to know and love from our collaborative publications with ASTNA!
A special Thank You to our Editors and all of the many contributors of this publications!
Shane Farmer, BS, NREMTP, FP-C
Michael Frakes, APRN, FCCM, FAEN, FACHE
Joseph Santiago, MBA, MS, RN, CEN, CFRN, CHC, CMTE
© 2022
Special Introductory Pricing
$110 $70 member
$210 $170 nonmember